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  • timhss@ammfoundation.org
  • T.I. School 1 & 2, M.T.H. Road, T.V.Nagar, Ambattur, Chennai - 600 053
  • Cultural Fest – Incredible India

    Cultural Fest – Incredible India

    Junior Project Day – ‘INCREDIBLE INDIA’ was conducted on 26th October 2023 from 9.00 am to 12.00 noon and was inaugurated by the Parents of the Primary section in the presence of the Principal with a customary lighting of the lamp followed by a Prayer song and the event was graced by Mrs. R. Kamakshi, Academic Advisor AMMF Schools and by the Lead team from Rhapsody alongside teachers. Parents, grandparents, guests and visitors graced the occasion by spending their valuable time keenly listening to everything that the children expressed in terms of learning as a result of month long journey around the topic In credible India.

    The primary project day proved to be rich in terms of providing an extended learning to all the students of the section. The project revolved around the different states of India. Students’ study revolved around the rich culture of every state, its History and Geographic influence, symbols of pride, interesting places to visit, famous personality, population the governance in the state and their contribution to the country’s progress Students worked to represent the state and its significant features.

    The country was presented for every visitor’s delight and students’ work found their expression in the form of skit, role play, mime, song, dance, power point presentation, survey presentation, charts and models. The project gave ample opportunity for children to explore different ways of expressing a given content.

    Students of class 1 A and D presented their learning about Jammu and Kashmir Students spoke about location, statistics, climate, resources, history, language, occupation, sports, clothing , food, dance , music and craft of Jammu and Kashmir. They exhibited their skills of listening, speaking, creativity and team work acquired during their skills builder sessions.

    Students of class 2A enthralled the visitors with their enthusiastic explanations and vibrant models explaining the state of GOA. A group of students sang a Goan song and danced for it. Some of the students wore a Goan outfits and masks. The whole feat featured skills like team work, fluent speaking and interaction with others.

    Students of Grade 2B presented information on Assam’s history, geography, traditional attire, festivals celebrated, occupation, food, famous personalities, tourist places, wild life sanctuaries, Dance and music forms, and ornaments. Students showcased their skills in Listening, Speaking, Creativity and Teamwork that they had acquired during Skills Builder sessions.

    Students of class 2 C participated in Primary Project day “Incredible India” on October 26th 2023. Students had a vast idea on the features, location, culture, tradition, food, on Karnataka. The skills listening, speaking, creativity and teamwork was very evident among the children which they learnt during Skillsbuilder classes. Children happily sung a Kanada song which was much appreciated by the parents. Children displayed models, charts and cutouts and explained their part about Karnataka to the audience.

    Studens of Std III A had the opportunity to collabrate and learn about the beauty of Kerala. Children performed Kaikottukali- a traditional dance of Kerala. Children enjoyed singing too. Children used their creativity skill learnt in Skills builder class to make Pookalam. Students integrated art in all their presentations.

    3B students collabrated art , geography, history, culture and tradition in their display of Odisha. A story was narrated on The Great Kalinga War with a time line. A model of Rath Yatra- world’s largest chariot festival was displayed and its significance was shared. Childred integrated their listening, speaking, creativity and team work skills learnt during their Skills Builder classes.

    Junior Project Day

    Students of std 3-C showcased the state of West Bengal. The history, geography ,dance forms, tradition ,sports personalities, great leaders, handicrafts, tourist spots, transport system ,emblems were explained through PPT, models, charts , song, drawings. It was integrated through art too through sketches of different personalities of this state. Similarities between West Bengal and Tamilnadu was presented through a PPT.

    The community song of west Bengal was sung by the students. The Skills of listening, speaking, creativity and team work was adhered too.

    Junior Project Day

    4 A had an opportunity to collaborate and learn the vibrant features of Punjab along with the significance factors that makes Punjab a unique state in India. The Skills like listening, speaking, team work and creativity were portrayed by the students as they integrated dance, culture, art , Maths, Geography, History and language in to their presentation.

    Junior Project Day

    Students of Std 4B Maharashtra in all glory and splendor. The physical features, life style, occupation, festivals, clothing, climate, food, state symbols etc of their state. By way of presenting great personalities students presented a self-portrait of Chatrapathi Shvaji. The highlighted tourist spots, history , festivals – Ganesh Chathurthi , nagapanchami etc ; art and culture – Kohlapuri items like – sliipers, jewelry and sarees; Paithani sarees and Warli paintings; dance forms. Children presented a few steps of folk dances and the unique practice of Mumbai – the dabba wala concept.

    Junior Project Day

    Students of Grade 5A did a study on Gujarat and 5B on Manipur and Nagaland. They collected information on landforms, places of tourist attraction, traditional costumes, occupation, food, famous personalities, History of rulers now and then, means of transport to reach the places from Chennai. Their learnings were exhibited in the form of PPT Presentation, songs, a costume parade, charts, a puppet show, ‘Dhandiya’, and both working and non-working models. Students showcased their skills in Listening, Speaking, Creativity and Teamwork that they had acquired during skills builder sessions.

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